@ Michigan State University

Intructor of Record

  • PLS 202 - Introduction to Data Analytics and the Social Sciences (Fall 2023)

    Course Description

    Link to Syllabus

    This course provides an introduction to modern data analytics, with a focus on practical skills for social science research. The main goal of this course is to introduce R, a programming language designed specifically for statistics and data analysis. The course covers basic programming concepts such as functions and data structures, as well as tools for data analysis and visualization. It also covers methods for uncovering relationships in data, starting simple with cross-tabulations and correlations, before moving into more advanced topics like regression and linear models that are seen in most published pieces of scientific research.

R Programming Summer Teaching Fellow

  • Programming in R for Political Scientists Summer Course (for Incoming PhD Students, Co-Instructor; Summer 2020-2022)

Teaching Assistant

  • PLS 202 - Introduction to Data Analytics and the Social Sciences (Summer 2021, Spring 2021)

  • PLS 200 - Introduction to Political Science (Fall & Summer 2020, Summer 2019)

  • ISS 330 - Africa Social Science Perspectives (Spring 2020)

  • PLS 160 - Introduction to International Relations (Fall 2019)

    • Guest Lecture
  • ISS 308 - Social Science Approaches to Law (Spring 2019)